The city is incredibly versatile: culture, history, leisure, business, fun and contact mix up and create a unique atmoshere and a special way of life. The paulistanos, whether Brazilian or not, have a variety of curltural and religious back-grounds. This is why they say that there are no foreigners in São Paulo ... no matter where you are from, everybody will feel at home from the first moment. Be surprised by this pulsating and exciting city! We have prepared some hints for you. And for sure, no matter what you decide to see: shopping, museum, restaurant or night-life - myDriver São Paulo is enlighted to bring you to your locations and back! Safely and relaxed.
The biggest and most important megacity in the Southern hemisphere arises in 1553, as Jesuite brothers build a school in the area, evangelizing and enslaving the Indians in the region. Today, São Paulo counts 11 million inhabitants in the city – more than Switzerland and Austria together - and 22 million inhabitants in the greater region – more than the German state of Northrhine-Westfalia.
Thanks to it's mild climate, prosperous soil and the proximity to the coast line, the Portuguese Colonial emperors enjoy the area. For some centuries, it becomes the starting point fpr the „bandeiras“ (expeditions to central Brazil searching for gold and precious minerals). The economic boom, however, gets kicked off only in the 19th century, with the coffee era and it's barons who found a legal school in São Paulo. This catapultes the city to be the cultural and economic heavy-weight in Brazil.
From the 1930th, the industrial development in São Paulo gets stronger and more complex. People from all over Brazil come to work in São Paulo, so that the city grows, largely uncontrolled and with many social deficits. Even though today the service sector has become stronger than the industry, which shifted further south, with 1530 km² area, São Paulo still is Brasil's biggest and most wealthy business and finance center. With a higher cost of living than Paris.